Treating and diagnosing moving patterns of the human body and its diseases

About Crossroads
Started in 2017 by Dr. Caleb Suciu, D.C., Crossroads Wellness Center began its existence in Fort Wayne, IN. Patients were steady and in 2019, it was time to grow. Integrating Functional Medicine, Crossroads became more than a chiropractic center, it became a home for those who have struggled to find solutions their whole lives. Then 2020 and all its bizarre happenings occurred. While many healthcare providers closed their doors, Crossroads remained open. A surge of patients came through our doors looking for help and answers at a very confusing time. At the end of 2020, it was time to move as we had outgrown our starting location. On Christmas Eve, we moved into our current location on Coldwater Road.
We are blessed to have such a fantastic team with which to serve the Fort Wayne area and beyond!